Friday, November 6, 2015


 Want to loose an election. Make a statement that you believe in JESUS Christ and the Bible. You will loose your support base as quickly as speed of light.
In a country where morals are relative and manners and courtesy are a thing of the past, civility is almost non-existent we are following the pattern of  all the past doomed civilizations where greed and avarice ruled the day.
State mandated standards for children for everything to lunches to birth control, gay and lesbian curriculums that blur the lines of family values and natural relationships, tv and radio that pervert and distort life and make the bazar, seem normal.
Scripture says in the last days that "perilous times shall come" the word  is derived from the root meaning to lower , let down, strike: through the idea of reducing the strength; difficult, i.e. dangerous, or ( by implication furious:--fierce, perilous.  All that said simply it means that we are going to face things that will scare us like no other times have.

We need Jesus not genderless bathrooms and kids who don't know who they are and are influenced by TV, Movies and parents who have the common sense of morons.