Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Doers of the word

Have you considered at all what it means to be a doer of the Word? We have many people in the church today who believe that their intellectual response to the Word is simply intake, there is very little to no out put in their lives. How sad to think that all this knowledge is going to waste because there is no wisdom(application) in response
Let us pray that the Lord will give us that kick in the pants we need to get going.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Are we back in Egypt

Have noticed how in the book of Genesis, when there was great famine, the course of action that Joseph took?
1. He took all the money from the people
2. Since the money was gone he then took the livestock
3. when the livestock was gone, he took the land and made people dependant on the Government
4. then he gave the people grain, they planted crops and the government /Pharaoh then took a
    fifth of  the crop
Sounds like the plan of our government o make us a people dependant upon them for all of our needs, yet this happened 3,000 years ago.
Now everything is different but still remains the same...
Blessings PR

Friday, January 10, 2014

Just a short note of encouragement, I was reminded this morning about trials, it seems that when things are going ok, that there are problems that alwasy pop up. And how important it is to trust the Lord, with your whole heart, mind and strength.  He will get you through.  The trial is for you benefit not your defeat. Grow, grow, grow, its not a battle cry, for the battle belongs to the Lord. Its a process, sometimes slow sometimes fast, but it is continual and necessary.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why we are the way we are

I was asked to go and visit a man who is in his last days on the earth. As I shared with him how much God loved him, and how God wanted Him to surrender his life the to Him. I realized how much time people waste in not serving the Lord.
Fruitless, meaningless actions in service to self or serving with self motivated actions words and deeds, only serve as seconds, minutes and hours lost in empty attempts to gain something in this world. If we are not serving God its just vanity, empty vanity.
We don't serve with a selfish motive of personal gain, we serve to glorify the Lord and to exalt His Name. Unsaved men dying hold on to this life as hard as they can, for its all they have, in the life to come they only will have pain and suffering.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Ok so we made into the New year by God's grace and mercy. So what will this New Year have to offer?
What ever it is we should understand one thing God is on our side...we will have victory in His power and by staying on His course, we can't forget that. If you want to have a good year then get behind God's will for you. So what is God's will , but to justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. That's enough for starters, the Holy Spirit will lead you from there.