Wednesday, November 5, 2014

election 2014

This post has nothing to do with Calvinism- it has to do with the civil elections of Novermber 4. Living in Kansas I am a red shirt guy - conservative in my values, respector of life, against the same sex mariiage club, believe there is way to much government waste and pandering to those who use the system to just sit and do nothing and get paid for it. I am for immigration and opposed to illegal immigration. There are to many things that need to be done in our country that can be done by those who are currently unemployed. So.................I voted and now I wait to see if there will be constructive change to satus quo polictics, where the fat slugs of the Washington elite sit and do nothing but change seats and now start to pay back political cronies at the expense of the public once again. OR if there will be change. I pray for change! Maybe the will and welfare of the people will be listened to this time. Oh please Elephants dont blow it again! Oh donkey's wise up and strengthen the nation with wiser choices!
Please pray for our elected officials - Pray they get it together- or do like we have just done and pray they are defeated in the next election.
God is good all the time

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