Friday, October 4, 2013

not just another day

Yesterday I woke in the normal fashion and did the normal things that I do to get ready for the day, I was headed to the doctor, so off I  drove. As I was driving I get a phone call from a pastor friend. Pastor Chuck went home to be with the Lord early this morning. I'm shocked, you see I knew this day was going to come, with his battling cancer and all, I just never thought it would be today.
Pastor Chuck was a pioneer of the 20 century, through prayer and seeking the Lord and a desire to stay at Newport He prayed and the Lord ministered to him about verse by verse teaching, from there with a burden for the lost (through his loving wife) more prayer was offered up and the hand of the Lord began to build a refuge for the lost and dying sheep of southern California. Simply Teach the Word, is what we were exhorted, have the best fed sheep possible, let the Spirit lead you in the ministry God has given. Be humble. These are a couple of things that we were instructed as pastors, we knew we were called God used Pastor Chuck to prepare us and equip us.
Yes we knew this day would come we just didn't think it would be yesterday.
Please pray for Kay, Paul, and the Smith children as they mourn the loss of husband , brother and father.
I will miss my Pastor and his love for God and his care for me.

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