Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Where are you going?

 At study last night in the book of Acts Chapter 27, we looked at Paul's voyage to Rome, interestingly enough is that Paul was informed of the trip long before he was booked on the cruise. Ac 23:11 But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, "Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome."chapters later in 27 Paul is sent off under the watch of Agrippa, Festus, and the Lord ( not in order of importance). the trip ends in being caught up in a major storm, a Euroclydon, scripture states Ac 27:20 Now when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small tempest beat on us, all hope that we would be saved was finally given up. How often in the storms of life do you feel that way. but take heart, vs 22 states there would be no loss of life, they would only loose the ship (there were 276 people on board). What has the Lord told you He was going to do - Paul was going to Rome; God would get him there. Where are you going? God will get you there.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Given the opportunity

Given the opportunity we would:
All be rich, without working
All healthy, without eating right
All be fit, without working out
All be sinless, even though we are sinners
All be righteous, in our own estimation
All be going to heaven, becasue we are not as bad as the other guy
All be chosen, for how could God over look US

All be going to hell, for we have forsaken the Lord and relied on self, not what Jesus did.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Ah Saturday, a day to sleep in, catch up, go to sporting events, mow the lawn, and paint the house all before it gets hot. what a far cry from a day of rest isn't it. In this hectic busy life we need we need a day to catch up. would i rather it be Sunday, certainly not for Sunday is our day to worship the Lord together, our koinonia in Jesus. So when do we catch up, after working a 10 hour day? After the kids go to bed (10:00pm)?
I would like to have an answer to this question, but I don't maybe if god made the stand still, or made the clock run backwards this would help. I don't think so it would just add time for you to add to your already busy schedule. May if we just "acknowledge Him in all our ways He would direct our path.

Friday, August 23, 2013


In home group this week we were in Acts 26, Paul writes Acts 26:19,20 - 19 Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision: 20 But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. This struck me "repent and turn to god and do works meet for repentance", this could be one of the verses that we need to distinguish the saved from the unsaved- repentance is key and the work of repentance are needed- now this is not salvation by work in any sense, but a sign of genuine repentance and salvation. note this commentary on the word repent as used in Mt 3:2 and saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!"
Repent- metanoeo .  This was the matter of the preaching.  The verb repent is either compounded of , after, and  to understand, which signifies that, after hearing such preaching, the sinner is led to understand, that the way he has walked in was the way of misery, death, and hell.  Or the word may be derived from  after and, madness, which intimates that the whole life of a sinner is no other than a continued course of madness and folly: and if to live in a constant opposition to all the dictates of true wisdom; to wage war with his own best interests in time and eternity; to provoke and insult the living God; and, by habitual sin, to prepare himself only for a state of misery, be evidences of insanity, every sinner exhibits them plentifully.  It was from this notion of the word, that the Latins termed repentance resipiscentia, a growing wise again, from re and sapere; or, according to Tertullian, Resipiscentia, quasi receptio mentis ad se, restoring the mind to itself: Contra Marcion, lib. ii.  Repentance, then, implies that a measure of Divine wisdom is communicated to the sinner, and that he thereby becomes wise to salvation.  That his mind, purposes, opinions, and inclinations, are changed; and that, in consequence, there is a total change in his conduct.  It need scarcely be remarked, that, in this state, a man feels deep anguish of soul, because he has sinned against God, unfitted himself for heaven, and exposed his soul to hell.  Hence, a true penitent has that sorrow, whereby he forsakes sin, not only because it has been ruinous to his own soul, but because it has been offensive to God. Thank you Adam Clarke for your commentary

Thursday, August 22, 2013

I read a portion of scripture  2Sa 12:24 "Then David comforted Bathsheba his wife, and went in to her and lay with her. So she bore a son, and he called his name Solomon. Now the LORD loved him,"
it was the last part of this verse that caught my attention; Now the Lord loved him. Next verse says that they called his name Jediddiah (beloved of the Lord).
Think about this just for a moment; here is God stating that He loves Solomon, yet it would be Solomon who would build altars and worhip places for his pagan wives, and in doing so would turn his back to God.
This is amazing, Jesus loved us enough to die for our sins and in our demonstration of stupidity we turn our backs on Him, and this after we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Isn't that the casual way of the Christian today, we don't really grasp the love of Jesus for us, instead we by our lack of devotion to the Lord down play His love for us.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pastors and Leaders Conference

Well our 2013 Pastors and Leaders Conference is in the books. It was a blessed as always Pastor Xavier Ries brought the word and the challenge for us to remain strong in these last days. Pastor Paul Smith (a first timer for us ) instructed us to be wise of the things or the last days. And Dr Ken Johnson brought forth the teachings of the early church fathers in 1and 2 Timothy. Our time of waiting on the Lord on Friday night was a Holy Ghost blessing. you can listen to the messages at the CCJC website if you missed it or want to hear it again. And for the ladies their is a message from Trudy Ries and Ruth Smith.