Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Wisdom of Elihu
Currently in our reading through the Bible we are in the latter chapters of Job. All of the miserable comforters are now silent and a younger and wiser man named Elihu - addresses Job. As he addresses Job, he does so on the premise of what he has heard in the dialogue between Job and his "friends". In the next 5 chapters he dresses down Job and his friends for their assuming and presumptive diatribe. He does this by pointing to the character and nature of God compared to their spiritual arrogance and self righteousness. If you have the time read through these chapters and notice how it compares to the attitude of many in the church today, who think they are smarter and wiser than the Lord God Almighty.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

OK so I haven't again posted to the blog since the first of august, a lot has been going on, we had our P.A.L. (pastors and leaders conf) the second weekend in Aug. Great time in the word with Pastor Xavier Ries and Dr Ken Johnson, will be up loading the conf soon at the web site.(
We have had our grandchildren for the last month, quite exciting and challenging, many examples and stories to follow in the months to come.
I was in Emporia last night to hear Victor Mordicai, he was speaking on the US and Israel, and islam.
Church I pray that you are ready for the days that lay ahead. One thing he mentioned is the onslaught of islamics coming to America, and their desire to change America into an islamic country. Church there will be be some huge witnessing opportunities in the future, know the gospel and know the truth, islam is a very wicked religion. It is anti Jew and anti Christian, study it and find out for yourself. Second part of the teaching tonight stay tuned

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back at it

It's been quite a while since my last post. So rather than go back over old territory, I chose to press on.
We have our grandchildren with us, the oldest age 7 is a very sensitive quite smart young lady who is a pleaser, she loves to please you and avoid conflict. The youngest is 4 never agrees with anything you say and refuses to be instructed or take orders or requests. This has made life quite challenging. And then I think about how we must appear to the Lord, when Jesus spoke to Peter and said "Peter do you love me" Peter responded and we all do the same for the most part; where there should be agape, there is phileo.
Oh to have our whole hearts given to God in obedience, to submit to Him without hesitation yeilded to His will and desire.
It is something we need to pray for and ask the Holy Spirit to empower us to this end.